Tuesday, January 3, 2012

whoa it is 2012!

Hello New Year...goodbye bad grammar. For those of you who have been following me over the past couple of years , you might have noticed my lack of capitalization. Yes, it was on purpose...I thought it was whimsical and artistic? No, it was lame and lazy. So here I am changing up my blog by adding capital letters where they belong. I will also give my blog a new makeover, but give me some time for that.

I have two posts up my sleeve that I desperately want to share with my faithful readers. One is about my Christmas vacation in Vieques Island, Puerto Rico, and the other is about the Emerald Nuts 4 mile midnight run in Central Park that I ran to ring in the New Year. So please stay tuned for those exciting couple of posts!

Another change is I will no longer have "missions." I feel restrained by that, and there is so much else going on around me that I would love to share with you. New York City is filled with all kinds of stories, so I hope to pass those along.

Finally, I will write more that 16 posts this year. That was completely uninspired of me to leave you all hanging last year, and for that I apologize. I need to balance my writing, running, craft-making, and working so that I can keep you up on all the happenings with me and Patrick. My goal will be to write at LEAST!!!! one post a week. Modest a goal it may be, but I think I can commit to that without disappointing everyone. My original intention was to write a post everyday...HAHA! Yeah right, maybe if I was a professional blogger.

So here is to a new start of the new year. Hope 2012 brings you new adventures, however big or small, every day!

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