Fast forward a few hours later- Sarah, my Small Mom, Big City friend, came over to our house and we talked shop for a bit. She handed Patrick and I our race gear for the New York Road Runners Emerald Nuts 4 Mile Midnight Run (numbers, T-shirts, and hats), and we caught up for a bit about our holidays. Then, it was time. We trekked to the park via a very smelly subway, and entered a giant New Year's Eve party. The weather was a balmy 40 degrees, and so the trio of us walked around for a while, taking in the sites, waiting for the beginning of the race. As midnight neared, we headed over to the line of runners, feeling excited for 2012 to come. 10...9...8... here it is! The moment we have been waiting for...3...2..1! Happy New Year! The fireworks shot up high in the sky and for 10 minutes, we got to enjoy the show before we could even begin to run. Once we were off, we had to dodge a few of the thousands of runners that participated in the race, some wearing some crazy looking costumes, lighted up tutus, and a few nuns! It was great. Oh! and they served us champagne at mile 2 (although it was not champagne but really sparkling cider...which was still really fun). As soon as we were finished running the race, Sarah had to leave us to go home to her family, and Patrick and I went back home to drink some real sparkling wine, after which I felt a little sick and very sleepy.
It was a great was way to spend New Year's and there is no better way for New Yorkers to kick off a healthy and happy 2012. So, my next running goal is quickly approaching, which is the Tinker Bell Half Marathon in Disneyland! I am super pumped about this particular race because 1. I have NEVER been to Disneyland and 2. I am running this with my Aunt Susan, who began training for this when I asked her to join me after the Princess Half last year. She has been doing a great job training, and it will be a a really fun time being with her for the weekend. oh and 3. I have an awesome outfit this year...picture to come later.
I encourage you all who have made resolutions to get into shape this year to give yourself small goals to accomplish the big ones. Sign up for local races like a 5k or 4 miler. Then, if you love it (which you just might...I never thought I would but races are so much fun and you can collect lots of fun t-shirts) sign up for a half marathon...I recommend a Disney one for your first. They are completely entertaining for the entire 13.1 miles and the whole weekend is filled with many exciting events for the runners! Check out their website for more details and a list of events happening year round at I will also be posting my number and some race details for when I run the half in a few weeks so you can follow my progress if you want!
Happy Running and Happy New Year!

Patrick and I in Central Park getting ready to run!
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