Tuesday, January 24, 2012

5 Days and Counting!

Until the Tinker Bell Half Marathon that is! I know I must sound like a broken record at this point, but I am just too excited to keep in all inside of me! I have been diligently training for the past 3 months (even through the holidays), and I cannot believe that I am finally in the home stretch. This past week was a big one for me as I ran 26 miles over the course of 4 days. My shins are sore, my knees are aching, but I choose to remain positive as I go into this weekend. And how could I not? I am going to Disneyland!

Other than running, I have been preparing myself for this race in other ways...like my outfit! My color palette is lime green and grey with lots of sparkles. I think it is perfect for this particular Half, as I channel my inner Tink. However, she is a little more mean-spirited of a sprite than I am, but she sure can fly! Anyway, here is what I will be wearing come Sunday morning.

These are my Adidas "Marathon" shoes that I got last year for the Princess Half. I bedazzled them with glitter glue to make them sparkle and shine...as all good pixies should.

Here is the close up of my shoes!

This is my running skirt in lime green that I ordered from www.team-sparkle.com! I love it!

Running capris by Lucy in grey. These pants are amazing and will be perfect for a 13.1 mile stretch.

This is my shirt that I might be wearing for the race. It is an Under Armour in lime green. I don't love it as it is a bit too big, but I haven't found anything super awesome in the shirt department yet. I am waiting to see if there is going to be anything good at the Expo prior to the race. We shall see!

Finally, I am going to wear my game face! Oh yeah...you ladies better bring it! Just kidding...I will be smiling and dancing around all weekend long.

For my friends and family who follow me on Facebook, you can check out my splits (time at each mile) all day. My B-tag is synced up to my Wall, so check it out from time to time and be sure to cheer me on. If you are a reader with whom I am not familiar, I will have a post-race blog with pics and a summary of the weekend for you to read.

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