it was such a fun visit, catching up and chillin out. i have known the mom, lindsay, for almost five years. she was first my mentor and leader for a ministry internship i did in the summer or 2005. ever since then, we have been good friends, and it is so great to see her in this new role as a mom.
so when we first got there, patrick, lindsay, judah, and i went to watch lindsay's step son play some ymca basketball. we met up with linds's husband chad and cheered for one of the funniest and cutest games i have ever watched. after the game, the we went out for some lunch at red robin. patrick wanted to go because we don't have a red robin in nyc, at least we are not aware of one. so we ordered our basket of endless fries and then our meals. it was a good time, until we realized that we had gone through 5 baskets of fries with no burgers to eat. it took them about 50 minutes until they arrived with the rest of our food, and our waiter's excuse was that the kitchen was taking a long time making the specialty burgers. we all knew he was lying to us because we saw every table around us getting their orders! what ever happened to honest service? and it took the manager a long time to come to our table to apologize to us, but there was no consolation offered for our waiting. were we to receive a free dessert, fries, anything? it was frustrating, but when we got our bill they did take $15 off, so at least that was good. but i say to you red! i was seriously let down and upset with the lack of attentiveness. i could understand if the wait was only 20 minutes, maybe 30...but 50? for burgers? thanks for nothing.
even though lunch left us greesified and not too happy, we moved on and had a great visit with lindsay, chad and their crew. the guys spent their night playing poker at a friend's house, and lindsay and i baked some amazing pumpkin muffins with cream cheese filling. time spent with the ones your care about is what is important, and i feel blessed by my visit. and judah is just so cute! thanks halse family for the amazing time we spent with you..hopefully we will see each other soon!!!
oh! and if you are ever going to visit the albany area, make sure you take a drive along the ny thruway. it is a beautifully scenic drive in the catskills, and you can even go skiing, visit a winery or two, or check out the state capital.
this is beth signing off.
mission accomplished november 15
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