item 2- finish a present for my husband's family pollyanna. i started this two weeks ago, and now it is finally done! i am proud of can you guess what it is?
sorry for the poor photography...i need a new camera. and the three paintings are supposed to be lined up next to each other. just try to visualize it.
item 3- fold the laundry. ewww....this is the bane of my existence. i hate to fold laundry and that loathing stems back from my childhood. that was my one and only chore, to fold my family's laundry. every time i think of it i cringe. but it needs to be done (even though i know in reality all my clothes will eventually become a ball after trying on many different outfits each day...being a girl is difficult).
item 4- tackling the closet!!!! i think i hear a horrified screech in the air. we only have three closets in our pre-war apartment...three (hence the ball of clothing, i rest my case). organization is key, and i had none in my one particular closet. so i straightened it up and now it is functional again. yay.
item 5- cleaning under the guest bed. because of item 4 i continued the frenzied organizing, and it actually was not as bad as i thought it was going to be.
item 6- the dishes. ugh...i usually reserve this chore for patrick, but i know he rationalizes in his head that he can get away with NOT doing them throughout the week because i work part-time. fair enough, i will try to finish them up without further griping.
all in all it was a nice day to myself. i got to watch 17 again without patrick making comments about zac ephron, and now with everything done i can look forward to watching glee tonight!
this is beth signing off.
mission totally accomplished!!!
and glee was so great! defying gravity....