2. india- this place has always been somewhere i wanted to go. the culture is so fascinating, bright, and full of life. even though curry is not my friend, i would love to get the chance to experience the wonders india has to offer. after watching the movie slumdog millionaire, i also think it would be a great opportunity to serve over there and learn something from those who live in different areas of india. even though i have not visited yet, india does hold a special place in my heart because patrick and i support a little girl there...i send my love to my daughter b jekalayhashmi.
3.thailand- so yeah i want to go to southeast aisa! i would love to go here and eat all of their food! thai is one of my favorite types of cuisine. i, of course, would not only go for the food, but to learn about their culture and check out the beauty of this country.

5. alaska- who would not want to go and see some dogsled racing? the mountains, the whales, the icebergs...even though it is frigid, i still want to check out this beautiful state. and maybe i could get a glimpse of russia while i'm there (i couldn't resist the joke).
6.niagra falls- i live only a half a day's drive from this natural beauty, and yet i have never been! can you believe it? i know that it is a very touristy, but i want to ride the maid of the mist too!
7.california wine country- napa valley would be such a great time...i can just picture it now. sampling the great chardonnays, sniffng and swirling, sipping and..eh hem...swallowing. drinking wine with the sunshine and sloping vineyards is where i want to be.

9. peru- what can i say? i am inspired by one of my favorite restaurants in nyc, pio pio, which has some amazing food. i love latin culture and so i think this would be a fun place to visit. i would like to check out its capital, lima and trek through the nearby andes mountains and villages in the area.

so this is it..the top 10 place patrick and i want to visit. we are open to anything and always look forward to wherever our travels take us. our next big trip will be right after Christmas to nassau in the bahamas. i haven't been yet, but patrick says it will be a nice warm and fun break from the winter weather here.
this is beth signing off.
mission: to be accomplished throughout lifetime!
This post makes me not want to be at work right now...
ReplyDeletewe'll go to #7 with you!!