Monday, March 5, 2012

The Neglect is Settling In...

Well, I really tried to keep up with my blog, but the past couple of weeks have proved trying for me to accomplish the task of writing. You, see, my sister just had a baby last Monday, and in the midst of visiting her, we had visitors of our own and other events, and I just became too weary to keep up with my blogging duties.

But alas, I am back and I will share a few things with you all since my last post. First of all, Patrick and I have spent some spare time going to a few amazing restaurants around town. Two of them had a similar thread in common...they were both begun by Lidia and Joe Bastianich along with Mario Batali. That's right friends, we went to Del Posto for our Valentine's dinner with a follow up of the Pizzeria at their famous Italian market, Eataly, just 2 weeks later!

If you decide to hit up these amazing Italian hotspots in NYC, which I highly recommend, make sure you have the 100 layer lasagna from Del Posto and the pepperoni pizza from Eataly. These were our favorites, and I kid you not...they are pretty much the best foods I have ever consumed.

I am lacking some photos from Del Posto, but here are a few from Eataly.

Me and my pizza

Patrick's pepperoni pizza and beer served in a wine glass.

The pizza ovens.

So, after eating all this scrumptious Italian food around the town, I decided to make some of my own at home! I watched a clip of Fabio Viviani from Top Chef make his gnocchi one day, and I thought to myself that it look fairly easy to make. And so, I tested out the recipe in my teeny tiny NYC kitchen and found that it was a fun, although time consuming, dinner to make. Good thing I had all day to make it!

Here are some pics from my homemade Italian culinary adventure!

Gnocchi in a garlic, tomato olive oil sauce and topped with freshly grated parmesan.

Patrick enjoying his gnocchi.

Well, I hope to get back on track with my blog (again) now that some things are settled at the moment. I have a few adventures awaiting the near future, so stay tuned for those in the coming weeks!

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