Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Becoming an Aunt Again!

If you have been keeping up with my blog in the past couple of months, you well know that my sister was going to have a little girl, Noelle. I am happy to report that she arrived 10 days ago, and I am completely in love with her! She is so precious, and I cannot wait to see her again.

Being an aunt has brought me a lot of joy over the past couple of years as I have gotten to see my brother's little guy grow and change. He is so smart and so funny, and now with a niece, I am excited to see her grow up as well.

The day Noelle was born, my mom and I were supposed to be there with my sister throughout her labor to be a supportive and encouraging system for her. We never made it. Her labor and delivery happened so quickly that as my mom and I were driving on I-95 in Philly I got a text form my brother-in-law, Dylan, that said "6 lbs 2 oz." No one expected Noelle to come out so quickly, and although my mom and I were disappointed at arriving late, we quickly got over it when we walked into the room to meet the little peanut.

Noelle Eva, born at 9:04 a.m. on 2/27/2012.

I cried when I held her for the first time. I felt so much love and happiness, but most of all I felt pride in my sister. She had a really rough pregnancy but rarely complained throughout everything. She had shown me true strength, and as I held Noelle, I couldn't help but feel awed and inspired. Life is a gift from God and is a precious treasure. Thus, I broke down into a puddle of tears.

Once I gathered my emotions and sucked it up, I took pictures over the next couple of days.

Dylan and daughter.

Tori, Noelle, and Me.

Making fishy faces with my sweet nephew...this was my attempt at entertaining him while his parents met Noelle.

I am looking forward to those days when I will get to bake, knit, craft, play sports, go to Disney, read stories, act out plays, and all the other fun things that aunts are supposed to do with their nieces and nephews. Being an aunt is a true blessing for me.

Have a happy Wednesday!

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