Monday, November 21, 2011

mission: an attitude of gratitude

thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, and not just because it is full of amazing food, although that is a HUGE perk. in the midst of the hustle and bustle, i like to take time to reflect on the year and allow true thanksgiving to fill my heart and soul. so here are the things i am thankful for this year.

1. family- i think of those in my life who are my true support and give me love year round. i can be a pain in the butt, a disappointment, or say something inappropriate and my family will stick by me through thick and thin. they also know how to bring out the best in me, and they support my crazy dreams, hoping that i find success and purpose in all that i do. my family is every growing too as i will be an aunt to two more little ones in 2012! that always makes me feel so joyful! also, i have family all over the country, and no matter where we are or where they are, i have several places to call home.

2. my husband- so technically he is my family, but i have to give a special thanksgiving shout out to him. he is my biggest fan, biggest support, and my biggest love. i know that he loves me unconditionally because he has to put up with my antics the most...and boy does he know how to handle me. he is the sweetest, most patient person in my life, and i am so thankful that he is mine. i am looking forward to our upcoming adventures we are planning for 2012, and i am glad he will be by my side through it all.

3. my friends- i have some pretty amazing friends, and they, too, are located around the country. i am blessed to see the ones who are close by and get to share in my experiences in NYC. i also get to catch up and receive support from those i can call up or skype with (i should mention that i am thankful for skype).

4. life in general- i am thankful for this life that God has given me. He has blessed us with so much (a roof over my head, food on my table, and jobs to provide us a living), and to Him i truly give all my thanks to. most of the time i am unaware of what God is doing in my life, but i know that he is always there loving me for who i am and guiding me as i try to figure out what i am doing along the way. this life is too beautiful to waste, this life God has given me, and waste it i shall not!

ok so i am thankful so much more, but that could lead to a very long and boring post. so, don't forget to count your blessings, and i challenge you to take time to reflect on what you are thankful for.

this is beth signing off.
mission: continually remembering to be thankful


  1. I just love Thanksgiving too! A cozy holiday with lots of family, fun and food without the stress of excessive gift giving LOL- Happy Thanksgiving Beth!

  2. I am thankful for you my dearest friend! Are you cooking this thanksgiving? I'm in charge of desserts and I'm making 3... and there are only 5 of us. :) Miss you daily!!
