Friday, October 28, 2011

mission: creating

lately i have the bug for creating things, anything, everything. something made from my hands and sharing it with others really does bring me joy. it is my way of saying, "i love you. here is a part of me." patrick has been asking me to start making things for us and to not give away something for once. so here is what i have been making in the past month or so...just for us.

i made this neck scarf using some lovely wool yarn in teal. it is mostly stocking stitch, and i used to big buttons to make it a true wrap.

acrylic paintings of birds on a wire. 1-3 of 9 all 9 paintings make a 9"x9" work.

4-6 of 9

7-9 of 9

close up of #4

close up of #5

hope you like what i have been up to. happy friday everyone, and as snow hits the eastern seaboard this weekend, it may a great time to begin some projects of your own!

this is beth signing off.
mission: accomplished for now...more creating to come.

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