Wednesday, March 2, 2011

mission: disney princess half marathon

in a word, the disney princess half marathon was supercalifragilisticexbealidocious!

seriously though, it was the most fun race i have run to date (ok so i have only run a few, but come's disney! how can anything compare). it was a packed weekend filled with characters, an expo, cheaper rates to the parks, and of course princesses!

i thought the weekend was going to be a little disappointing since that is how it began. friday night, i was ready to leave work and head to the airport with my trusty prince charming, until he burst my bubble by letting me know that our flight had been inexplicably cancelled. so how did i nurse my fresh wound? i played epic mickey of course. i decided that if i couldn't actually be in disney world, i might as well play a game that mimics it.

however, i let the disappointment roll off my back, and by saturday morning, i was raring to go (at 4 a.m.)! i think i was more excited to be in disney world than all of the children on the plane combined. once we were off the plane, patrick and i were met by patrick's dad and step-mom judy, who were also in the area that weekend. the whole gang headed straight to the all star sports resort to an anxiously happy set of big apple beth's grandparents. after our greetings and settling our bags into the room, the six of us went to the half marathon expo so that i could pick up my bib number and goody bag.

me and mommom at the expo aka the sea of princesses

me and poppop
after the expo we hit up hollywood studios. i just can't get away from the big apple!

backlot tour ride- the set is exploding!

me and patrick in front of the infamous sorcerer's hat!

3:30 a.m. waiting in line for the charter bus to take us to the starting line

big apple beth and wino bee! stacy and i getting ready to trek to our corral

my chEar squad finding the perfect spot to watch me run through the castle. poppop let me know that he would only wake up this early for only a very few people. i count myself as one of the luckiest ladies alive. thanks mom and pop for your support!!!

princess strong and feeling great! gotta love running through the magic kingdom not to mention meeting lots of fun characters during the long stretches of mileage in between the parks.

this is the last 1/4 of a mile. it was tough to keeping going but i knew i could do it.

patrick, me and my finishing medal! it's official- i am a disney princess half marathoner!

the rest of our weekend was spent going to a spring training game, playing in the pool, and hanging out with the fam. we ended our vacation by watching the epcot world showcase fireworks from our balcony at the swan hotel.

alas, i am back in nyc and back to reality, looking forward to making new memories at the happiest place on earth.

this is beth signing off.
mission: accomplished and feeling a little more regal.

1 comment:

  1. so proud of you! can't wait for next year when we do it in costume!!
