Sunday, January 16, 2011

mission: in training again

i am on the path to yet another half marathon, and it takes place in 6 weeks. i started training today. this is not good.

usually, people dedicate somewhere between 3 or 4 months getting ready for such a race as this. but not this lady! i am giving myself about 40 days to whip my body into shape. can i achieve my goal...without a doubt but it is going to be a very intense month and a half running outside for the most part in severe weather conditions and extreme cold. ok maybe i am exaggerating a teeny bit, but it is below the freezing mark!

today's run (after a month and a half hiatus) was 4.41 miles, and while i did stop to walk (quickly) several times, i am proud that i made my first goal of running a little over a third of my race!

the plan is to increase my run by half a mile each time i run. so at 3-4 runs per week i will reach 13-16 miles by the half marathon. whoa. i think i can do it....i mean i know i can!!!!! did i mention that i am running in the disney princess half marathon? and did i mention i get to run through cinderella's castle and receive a princess medal at the end of my race? no? well this is what i am running for!

so here is to some intense training until the end of february. and to all the women (and men) training for this race...good luck and i will see you at the happiest place on earth!

this is beth signing off.
mission: in training...


  1. I think you can do it. But try and have a few runs where you decrease mileage. It'll help you recover and you will see more improvement.

  2. good luck, i hope i get to be ready by then
