last night, after a long (and emotional) day, i needed to relax! one of my favorite things to do during the fall season is to carve a pumpkin. i know that it is way cooler to get one of those pumpkin carving kits where you end up with obama's face on the side of your pumpkin. however, i like to kick it old school by sketching my own jack-o-lantern, which makes it more personal. so patrick and i geared up with newspaper, knives, and a spoon to begin our project. what ends up happening, as it has in years past, is patrick cuts out the top and we together begin to scoop out the seeds and stringy pumpkin pieces. then, i draw on the face, and shortly after patrick tells me i made the face too small. i remind him that he can cut around the lines i have made even though i think it will be ok. then i begin to carve a part of the face that is really too difficult for me. then patrick swoops in and says, "let me do it. i'll do it." i look at him with some disdain and reluctantly hand over the knife (even though secretly i am glad he wants to take over). after patrick has pretty much done all the hard work (hahaha) i place the candle in the pumpkin and look upon the it with pride. it is truly a good time for some marital bonding and i felt much more at peace with myself after this project. i think our pumpkin needs a good name. throw me some suggestions in your comments!

this is beth signing off.
mission accomplished.
I personally like "Jimmy"...cuz he looks like a squirrel! He also looks a little like Larry the Cucumber. lol