Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mission: star bucks

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

mission: thanksgiving 2010

it's the most gluttonous time of the year...

this is one of my favorite holidays because it is a time to reflect over your year to see what you have done, where you have been, and give thanks for the blessings in your life. but, holidays like this need to become more than a mere feast followed by crashing on the couch to watch some football. it should be about taking care of those in need and helping them through a time that can be quite depressing or sorrowful.

this year, i would like to challenge my readers to go beyond and give...not just say thanks for what you have. give your time, your food, your money to your community. seek out volunteer opportunities and see how your life is changed for the better, because when you set out to change the world, you find out that it actually changes you. and what can be more fulfilling and humbling than that?

i also challenge you to pause during this season of rushing around, trying to find the best holiday deals, and recognize what God is doing around you and in you. He is the One who gives us life, and to Him we should offer our thanks and love. this allows us to actually experience our God, who created us and loved us first, even when everything else around us is whizzing by, too busy to acknowledge Him.

so, now i am off to pack up and head on a plane to tucson, az to spend time with patrick's family. happy thanksgiving to you all.

this is beth signing off.
mission: let the holidays begin!